Kindergarten : 6 classes
- Two class Accueil-M1
- Four classe M2-M3
- English taught as from 1st kindergarten
- Sport, music and psycho-motor skills taught by specialist
- 22-23 children about per class
- Class assistants
Primary : 14 classes
- Active teaching methods
- Diversified and individual teaching methods
- English taught as a foreign language to francophones
- English taught as a 1st and 2nd language to anglophones
- Access to computers as of the 1st cycle
- P.E. and swimming
- A non-denominational ethics course
- A course based on a learning of philosophy and citizenship (E.P.C)
"Certificat d'Etudes de Base" (C.E.B) (Primary leaving certificate awarded at the end of the primary cycle)
What the Verseau can offer :
- A school with a "humane" dimension - parents and children are listened to
- Teaching team following regular in-service training
- Small language groups with lessons taught by qualified native
- Multi-national school population, of which 40% English speaking
- Art and music taught in English by native speakers
- Information technology taught in years 5 and 6
- Awareness of the environment and of the aesthetic
- Annual school trips of varied interest (educational, sport, culture,...)
- French and English book-lending system
- Modern buildings and wide open playing fields
- School dining hall - in-school catering
- Easy access to the motorway, bus service from Wavre station to school