The school philosophy
education is not limited to inculcating knowledge but
tries to help each person to be in harmony with all
existence”. Tagore.
School is not only a place in which to prepare for a
career or a profession; it must also allow for the
development of the entire personality and link it to
life, both individually and within society as a whole.
It is from this perspective that, while attaching great
importance to academic subjects, imagination, sports and
artistic activities are also valued as well as learning
about relationships.
To this end we feel it is important to encourage the
students to develop an understanding of themselves and
thus to learn to reflect as much on the basis of an
awareness of their own behaviour as by the personal
integration of knowledge. A critical approach therefore,
seems to us essential in a world of profound change and
we seek to develop this through learning to decipher the
media and through scientific questioning.
By assisting the students to discover, understand and
express themselves and to have self-confidence, we aim to
help them to find their place within, and positively
connect to, their social environment, the life and
culture of their epoch, with nature and with the
“Le Verseau” wishes to stress the importance of making
contact at a profoundly human level. Through its
humanistic educational approach the school from the start
has sought to be both international and open to other
cultures : students and teachers speaking different
languages, coming from diverse cultures and philosophies
live and work side by side in a cheerful, friendly and
open atmosphere that encourages dialogue.
The student’s attention is drawn to the respect due to
all human beings at every opportunity during lessons and
at all other moments in the day to day running of the
school. They are educated to have an awareness of the
importance of the world, the environment and a love of
life. Our wish is that this takes place with an open
spirit and those taking part feel not only interested or
involved, but committed and responsible.
“On our spaceship Earth, there are no passengers,
we are all crew members.”
Marshall MacLuhan.