Menu of the month
(see Duo Catering page)

School meals

The school proposes hot meals cooked on the premises by Duo-Catering. We favour fresh, organic and local produce.  
Hot meals are served at lunchtime every day except on Wednesdays.  

You have two options

    You need to book meals for two weeks or for one month, via APSchool

    The menu of the following month is visible on “APSchool” from the 20th of the current month. However, it is possible to book meals in advance for several months. 
    For a reimbursement, a meal has to be cancelled by email to 48h before the date of the reserved meal. 

    Hot meals + vegeterian option every day – “Thursday Veggie” for all 

    Kindergarten : 5,00 € 
    Primary (1,2,3) : 7,00 € 
    Primary (4,5,6), Secondary, Adults : 7,50 € 
    Soup : 1,00 € 
    Soup + Bread : 2,00 € 

    Prices may be reviewed annually by the provider according to consumer price indexes and the caterer’s costs. 

    Healthy snacks and water bottle :  Every day, we want children to have healthy and balanced snacks, something easy to take and eat: preferably fresh or dried fruit, dairy products, sandwiches … We also encourage children to drink water from their own small water bottle. No crisps or sweets, these will be kept in their schoolbag. 

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